Thursday, April 28, 2011

Russia Today: Palestate

Despite the rather lame and unpromising title this turned out to be a palatable discussion on Palestine and planned statehood. RT’s own blurb:

Ramzy Baroud from vs. Alan Elsner from The Israel Project. With a UN vote on Palestinian statehood looming, Israeli PM Netanyahu will propose his own plan in May, which will probably repeat the same peace process rhetoric. But even if the UN votes in favor of a Palestinian state, will it change the status quo?
At some point late on in the exchange the senior Hasbarist (faked victimhood comes natural to people like Elsner) starts lamenting that the moderator should ‘do his job’ but Peter Lavelle, an experienced hand at this game, is having none of it. Here's the whole episode:


At 9:01 AM, Blogger ukrayna vizesi said...

thank you ery much for information


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