Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Laughing Cow heart Egypt…

Now we know why they called him ‘The Laughing Cow’: because he was laughing all the way to the bank! Yesterday Jeera declared the Mubarak’s family fortune to be $40 – 70 billion and I thought I’d misheard or they’d dropped a bollock. $7 billion perhaps, but surely not 70?!?

But no, between 40 and 70 billion it appears to be. To spend 40 billion in 40 years means having to spend... 2.7 million each day and everyday for these 40 years, BTW. No wonder he’s now suggesting increasing wages of public sector workers! He could single handedly pay for it…

All in all it’s another feather in the cap of unfettered capitalism…


At 9:01 PM, Blogger Ernie Halfdram said...

By my calculations, he'd have to spend closer to 2 grand, and not every day, but every minute, 24/7, for those forty years. But who's counting?

At 10:26 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Actually I got it far more spectacularly wrong than that: it's now been corrected, fantastical as the new numer may sound (2.7 million x 40 x 365 = 40 billion). And I call myself a math buff! Grrrrr.....


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