Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Are you a Jooooooo obsessed paranoid Internet circus freak?

Considering that there seems to be a resurgence of anti-Semites of the more comical variety on the Tinkerwebs, I'm offering anyone who might be in doubt a simple test to figure out whether he or she belongs in that category. It involves answering a few simple questions: test your knowledge. Scoring at the bottom of this post.


1. The Holocaust didn't happen. It was invented by Jooooooos, so that said Jooooooos could seize Palestine and make it the HQ of Joooooooish World DominationTM. True or false?

2. The Holocaust did happen but it was perpetrated by the Jooooooos. They sacrificed "a few of their own", so that said Jooooooos could seize Palestine and make it the HQ of Joooooooish World DominationTM. True or false?

Protocols of the Elders of Zion:

1. The Protocols are not a hoax, they are an authentic document, pertaining to Joooooooish World DominationTM. True or false?

2. The Protocols are a hoax committed by Jooooooos and used as a trap to identify non-Joooooooish anti-Semites, thereby ostracising the latter for the greater good of Joooooooish World DominationTM. True or false?

Scoring: if you answer one or more of these questions as "True", then in all likelyhood you are a Jooooooo obsessed paranoid Internet circus freak. Please form an orderly queue so we can insert you at
Judeophobe Watch's pantheon of Jooooooo Paranoid Imbeciles and Internet Circus Freaks (scroll down the right sidebar, you might already be up there...). Thanks for participating!


At 2:25 PM, Blogger The Sentinel said...

Here is an alternative test:

Are you a deluded, insane marxist traitor junkie?

1) Do you call for mass immigration of the peoples of all the worlds most miserably failed countries, despite all the evidence that it produces no benefit but much detriment, especially a grossly inflated crime rate and the introduction / escalation of extreme violence?

2) Do you make excuses for criminal behaviour, such as socio-economic factors (etc.) even when the overwhelming criminal behaviour is confined to specific groups, but spread across the globe in countries very diverse and mostly replete with 'anti-discrimination / positive discrimination (actually state authorised discrimination against its own people)?

3) Are you given to describing race as a 'social construct' that doesn't really exist but never miss an opportunity to call dissenters 'racist'?

4) Do you actively wish to see grown men wearing dresses and gimp masks, with their arse cheeks hanging out and angry women in dungarees and Doc Martins parading through busy streets seeking sexual partners in full view of children?

5) Do you call for all of these things in someone else's country?

If you answer yes to any of these questions then most liekly you are a deluded, insane marxist traitor junkie.

Form an orderly queue to be exposed and dissected on The Sentinel.

At 2:57 PM, Blogger Baconeater said...

The last person I put on the bottom of the list is a real ultra maroon.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Gert said...

1) No, I don't. I call for managed immigration, like most people.

2) Socio-economic factors aren't excuses. Criminal behaviour is not confined to this group or that group.

3) Race is a social contruct. It has no scientific basis. Believers tend to be Jooooooo obsessed paranoid Internet circus freaks...

4) No but I'm tolerant of it.

5) Irrelevant. Britain isn't "your country".

Well, guess I failed, huh? You, however, already have a well deserved place in Judeophobe Watch's pantheon...

At 3:20 PM, Blogger The Sentinel said...

1) 'Managed'? Like it is today? Its mass immigration and you love it.

2) Yes they are excuses and crime is overwhelming disproportionately committed by africans first, wheresoever they reside , and the other non-white groups next. The facts are well know, the evidence is irrefutable- hence the excuses.

3) Race is a a blindingly obvious reality, however, you deny its existence but invoke the 'racist' bogeyman smear. oxymoron moron.

4) Tolerant of exposing children to public displays of (deviant) sexuality?

5) It most certainly isn't 'your' Britain, pal. Having been born here from a long, long lie of British forebears who have served this country as far back as records began, as I have myself, risking lives and sometimes sacrificing lives for this nation, and contributed inordinate amounts of taxes into this country over the passage of time I am much more entitled to term this as 'my' country then you are, a Belgian. This is 'my' country, and I and my ancestors are integral part of it.

But that is the real problem here, the government of this country have actively devalued our nation and encouraged such non contributing new comers to question our legitimacy, our rights and our country.

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Gert said...

"1) 'Managed'? Like it is today? Its mass immigration and you love it."

No, it isn't. It will have to be better managed, again most people accept that. Another red herring...

"2) Yes they are excuses and crime is overwhelming disproportionately committed by africans first, wheresoever they reside , and the other non-white groups next. The facts are well know, the evidence is irrefutable- hence the excuses."

Only an imbecile can't see that crime has motive and doesn't arise out of a vacuum. From a legal point of view crime is crime, I never said otherwise.

"3) Race is a a blindingly obvious reality, however, you deny its existence but invoke the 'racist' bogeyman smear. oxymoron moron."

No smearing here. Race is a social construct that over time has taken on many guises, like other memes. See also anti-Semitism. You hate political correctness, yet seem to want to fall back on your own, personalised version of it.

"4) Tolerant of exposing children to public displays of (deviant) sexuality?"

Again, this is your prudish and over-heated imagination speaking. Homophobia is just another meme. Trust you to fall for that one too...

"5) It most certainly isn't 'your' Britain, pal. Having been born here from a long, long lie of British forebears who have served this country as far back as records began, as I have myself, risking lives and sometimes sacrificing lives for this nation, and contributed inordinate amounts of taxes into this country over the passage of time I am much more entitled to term this as 'my' country then you are, a Belgian. This is 'my' country, and I and my ancestors are integral part of it."

I live, work, pay my taxes here and own property. This is as much "my country" as it is yours. Sorry, if it riles you. On second thought, not sorry at all...

"But that is the real problem here, the government of this country have actively devalued our nation and encouraged such non contributing new comers to question our legitimacy, our rights and our country."

Empires come and go. Yours came and went too... Don't blame anyone else.

You once dabbled with national Socialism (your admission) but you haven't renounced these ideas that much. You're simply trying to rationalise them...

At 8:47 AM, Blogger Eitan Ha'ahzari said...

So, how did you fare on the test, Sentinel? Are you, indeed, a Joooooo-obsessed paranoid Inernet circus freak?

I expect the answer to be in the positive...

At 1:38 PM, Blogger The Sentinel said...

1) The last thing this country needs, after years of flooding, is any more immigration. Resources are already at breaking point, for instance, this mysterious 'draught' every year.

2) Crime has a motive OK, and so do the easily identifiable groups behind the disproportionate commission of it: Genetic predisposition. Try applying achems razor for once.

3) So you say race doesnt exist but call people 'racists'? Jews are not Semitic. Oxymoron moron.

Of course its to smear people.

My pots are not 'anti-semitic' inasmuch as if I posted about how female elephants sometimes try to kill their own babies it is not 'anti-elephant', or 'anti-female'- it is true. (As we saw in Berlin zoo this week.)

It may be an unpalatable fact but it is a fact nonetheless.

That is what the banner of the blog is all about- in pursuit of truth and freedom- and you cannot have either without saying things that may be unpalatable, but true nonetheless.

Labels such as' racist' and 'anti-Semitic' can be apptly (though in a somewhat misnomer fashion) applied to some, very few in reality, but are very broadly used to stifle genuine debate and dissent.

It would be more credible of the people who are the first and the loudest to scream hysterically about 'racism' and 'anti-Semitism' were as quick to protest about all forms of 'racism' and not just the ones they have selected as being the pinnacle of evil; the ones that suit the accuser and the politically correct agenda these labels largely serve.

It is the epitome of hypocrisy and very reminiscent of the days of the witch finders: An accusation was the basis of the charge, without any prima facia evidence, and the trial ensured the desired outcome regardless of the content of its course. In short, the accused could not defend themselves against the charge, where the mere accusation itself was in effect the prosecutions case and the sentence was always predetermined.

And so it is today- the accusation of 'racism' or 'anti-Semitism' has been elevated to the public consciousness through the various media's as being the ultimate taboo, the zenith of evil and that there is no smoke without fire. Especially if the accuser is black or Jewish, to even try to even defend yourself is tantamount to confession.

It has the power to ruin careers and destroy reputations, and many lives with them as the whole family suffers. This is acutely recognised by most public figures and it takes a very brave or very foolish individual to say or do anything that may bring even the slightest possibility of such an accusation.

And thus we have ruling bodies of the mute, the ineffective and of sycophants, who wilfully ignore real problems and even engage in manoeuvres to exacerbate them in order to prove their 'non-racist' credentials- in defiance of truth, reason and reality.

4) As I said before, not wishing to see, or expose children to, a deviant, overtly sexually public freak show is not prudish, and not wanting to see men cuddling and sucking cock is perfectly normal.

5) You have bought an entry ticket with your contribution; none of which compares to the hundreds of years of contributions my family and I have made to this country.

It will pass to your children and their actions here as to whether they become a real part of this countries fabric, but more then just paying taxes you should have paid your dues and volunteered to serve this country additionally.

Successive governments here, both contemptuous of the British and actively undermining have allowed a situation, or at the least the perception of a situation whereby people fresh in off a boat two minutes ago, feel it is their god given right to take without giving, to leech wealth from the pot that doesnt pay out to those who did pay in. They feel it is their right to housing and medical care first and fuck he locals whether or not there is enough to go around. They feel it is their right to be offended by our culture, traditions and language and call for them to be changed to suit them and they have been taught that when they are not getting what they want fast enough that one magic word will pull them over the top of the pile and reduce whites to impotency and irrelevancy in their own land: Racist.

And after all the take and no give, large swathes of them actively hate us to the point where some even blow themselves up on our public transport, and many, many more call us all racists, and demand change and even further penetration into our country.


What a sexually deviant, immature, censor happy, developmentally stunted muppet such as yourself thinks is of the utmost irrelevance to me.

At 2:42 PM, Blogger Gert said...


1) Mysterious draughts? Don't make me laugh. Leaking pipes due to decades of serious company negligence, you mean...

2) It's Occam's Razor, actually. You know nothing about that and how easily it can be misused. As you're doing now.

You accept the kind of rubbish Jerkins spouts regards Einstein's alleged plagiarism uncritically from a man who almost certainly is neither a historian nor a historiographer and whose work isn't peer-reviewed in any way shape or form. You pick and choose from Tinterwebs "links" that confirms your stereotypical beliefs, most of which were planted in that Swiss cheese that passes for your brain, during your dalliance with National Socialism. You are merely trying to rationalise and justify these ideas by any means possible...

3) You're resorting to your old and favourite semantic game. The fact that "races" don't exist doesn't mean the term "racism" has no meaning. By "racist" is understood someone who does believe in race theory and acts accordingly. You are a racist, period.

As regards your anti-Semitism, you malign all things Jewish at each and every turn possible. There is no anti-Semitic croc of shit that you don't fall for hook, line and sinker.

You claim not to hate individual Jews, yet have launched some of the most horrific tirades against quite a few of them. Very sexually graphic too at times...

It is seriously difficult for me to come up with an example of someone who is more anti-Semitic than you are.

I could, completely anonymously, feed you a made-up cock and bull anti-Semitic story and you would swallow without chewing. You do it all the time. You're literally a cocksucker when it comes to anti-Semitic bull...

4) "As I said before, not wishing to see, or expose children to, a deviant, overtly sexually public freak show is not prudish, and not wanting to see men cuddling and sucking cock is perfectly normal."

Nobody is making you watch. It's precisely because of thugs like you that homosexuals, for the most part, don't dare express their feelings in public even in the most innocent of ways...

5) Funny how when asked whether you and me should apologise for what our forebears did during the slave trade, you decline. Yet you want to take the credit for achievements with which you had nothing to do personally whatsoever.

At 3:53 PM, Blogger The Sentinel said...

1) Rubbish

2) Its a legitimate spelling variation-you are so smug its unbelievable- you assume you can deduce, telepathically- what others know or understand.

And yet you cannot even get the name of the author right and you didn't even watch the video in question and know zilch about it.

3) Rubbish, just smear tactics as described.

"You claim not to hate individual Jews, yet have launched some of the most horrific tirades against quite a few of them. Very sexually graphic too at times..."

This reference to shlemazl illustrates why people like him use the tactics they do: It fools people like you easily.

This is my oft deleted response to him (amongst many other rational posts)

"Precisely my analysis - you are not interested in real debate- you quickly resort to meaningless labels and baseless slander when challenged on anything.

I posted that comment you are obviously so fond of to see your reaction to it as you had been deleting rational comments whilst attempting provocation's.

I noted that you quite happily choose not to delete that highly offensive comment because you were not deleting my comments out of moral indignation or through genuine offence, but because of an abrasive, narcissistic personality that tolerates no dissent, and reacts with fury when contradicted.

I removed that nasty comment myself, because you clearly were not going to- you didn't care about the nature of it because it made you feel that you had achieved your aim of provocation and 'outing me' and it gave you the moral high-ground, so quite contrarily to being offended by it, you were happy to see and happy to leave it remain.

You are not unique in these games by far, but it is a very devious and flawed way of doing things, and ultimately, pointless.

I am no Nazi, as those who actually know me could testify; as the considerable amount of non-white lives I saved in the services could testify too additionally. But the truth doesnt interest you.

Not when it is so easy to slander and defame, and play underhanded games."

"You're literally a cocksucker when it comes to anti-Semitic bull..."

I think you need to learn what the word literally means.

4) When they parade through public streets that and, and others, including children are on what are we supposed to do? Run away and hide?

5) My ancestors and I working class with no responsibility for the executive decisions of the empire and were not much better off in many cases then these salves you refer to. However Britain was the first, and most proactive country when it came to anti-slavery.

I am a continuation of a line who have served this country well (as have I) and as such I am an integral product of this country, and part of its long history and fabric.

Whereas you, clearly are not.

At 4:09 PM, Blogger Gert said...

"I am no Nazi, as those who actually know me could testify; as the considerable amount of non-white lives I saved in the services could testify too additionally. But the truth doesnt interest you."

Well, I was waiting for that.

Never, nowhere have I called you a Nazi or even a Neonazi, because in the literal sense of the word I know that isn't true.

But you share many ideas with both groups, that is undeniable.

"I posted that comment you are obviously so fond of to see your reaction to it as you had been deleting rational comments whilst attempting provocation's.

I noted that you quite happily choose not to delete that highly offensive comment because you were not deleting my comments out of moral indignation or through genuine offence, but because of an abrasive, narcissistic personality that tolerates no dissent, and reacts with fury when contradicted."

Where did I delete comments of yours? No, seriously, that didn't happen. I did close one thread TO ALL, ONCE.

At 4:38 PM, Blogger Gert said...

And "fury"? There is no fury here, pal. Just mild amusement...

The likes of you make me laugh. A lot...

On the Nazi thingy, I actually came to your "defence" over at Shlemazl's. The guy's confrontational blowhard.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger The Sentinel said...


Read the comment again, it is preceded by "This is my oft deleted response to him (amongst many other rational posts)" and refers to my response to shlemazl,not you.

At 4:40 PM, Blogger The Sentinel said...

In reaction to "You claim not to hate individual Jews, yet have launched some of the most horrific tirades against quite a few of them. Very sexually graphic too at times..."

At 5:17 PM, Blogger Rickey said...

Why do you deny that you are a self hating kike. It's pretty apparentt.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Gert said...

Apaarinttley nto, Vikki...

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Eitan Ha'ahzari said...

Gert: just admit it: you're a Jewish Marxist(lol)...Vicky needs to take some spelling courses and the Sentinel needs...well, not here...


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